drc: Community radio station director arrested in Bukavu

Joseph Nkinzo, director of the community radio station Sauti ya Rehema, which airs in Bukavu, was arrested by Intelligence Agency officers on 28 May. Bukavu is the main town in South Kivu province, located in the eastern half of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The area is controlled by the Congolese Rally for Democracy (Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie, RCD/Goma) rebel group.

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


29 May 2003

Community radio station director arrested in Bukavu

SOURCE: Journaliste en danger (JED), Kinshasa

(JED/IFEX) - Joseph Nkinzo, director of the community radio station Sauti ya
Rehema, which airs in Bukavu, was arrested by Intelligence Agency officers
on 28 May 2003. Bukavu is the main town in South Kivu province, located in
the eastern half of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The area is
controlled by the Congolese Rally for Democracy (Rassemblement congolais
pour la démocratie, RCD/Goma) rebel group.

According to JED's information, the RCD/Goma authorities blame the station
for airing unflattering remarks about the suspension of the rebel group's
participation in discussions of the inter-Congolese dialogue follow-up
committee, which were taking place in Kinshasa.

For over one month, the radio station Sahuti ya Rehema has been subjected to
consistent harassment from RCD/Goma officials because of the independent
tone in its news reporting.

RCD/Goma officials previously banned Radio Maendeleo, another Bukavu-based
community radio station, on 9 December 2002 (see IFEX alerts of 13 and 9
December 2002). The station remains closed despite the signing of a new
constitution by all warring parties in the DRC that includes press freedom

For further information, contact D. M'Baya Tshimanga, president, Journaliste
en danger (JED), B.P. 633 Kinshasa 1, Democratic Republic of Congo, tel.
+243 99 29 323/345, fax: +243 88 01 625, e-mail: [email protected],
[email protected], Internet: http://www.jed-congo.org

The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of JED.
In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit JED.
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