Mizuho Yokoi, UNDP Ghana
UNDP Country Office in Ghana found the editorial note on Study Urges Overhaul of UN, IMF, World Bank very interesting, posted on KABISSA-FAHAMU NEWSLETTER 20. We would like to know what is the full title of the study and, if possible, we would like to get a copy of the study. Do you have any detailed information regarding the study? We visit the web-site you stated in the newsletter, but unfortunately, we have to say that it does not have a 'user-friendly' design, listing just code of file names, and we have no clue which is the said document.
OUR RESPONSE: Thank you for pointing out the problem with that link. Unfortunately the internet is a constantly changing place and a link that works today may not work tomorrow! Please get in touch with Eberhard Wenzel, Griffith University, Australia ([email protected]) who supplied the material.