Swaziland: Mario Masuku court case

COSATU Statement

The Congress of South African Trade Unions deplores the decision that, at the request of the prosecution, the trial of Swaziland opposition leader, Mario Masuku, is to be held behind closed doors. Only his immediate family, pastor and lawyers will be allowed to attend. COSATU is further concerned that the charges against Mario Masuku are two counts of “sedition”, related to remarks he made at two political meetings, which it is alleged “undermined the authority of the king”. This clearly shows that he is being charged for making political statements and exercising the right to free speech. This could only be deemed an “offence” in a country where basic human rights are denied.

Press statement issued by the Congress of South African Trade Unions.

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Swaziland court case.

The Congress of South African Trade Unions deplores today’s
decision that, at the request of the prosecution, the trial of
Swaziland opposition leader, Mario Masuku, is to be held
behind closed doors. Only his immediate family, pastor and
lawyers will be allowed to attend.

It is indicative of the undemocratic nature of the Swaziland
justice system that when the state prosecutor requests that a
case is heard in camera the court has no alternative but to grant

COSATU is further concerned that the charges against Mario
Masuku are two counts of “sedition”, related to remarks he
made at two political meetings, which it is alleged “undermined
the authority of the king”. This clearly shows that he is being
charged for making political statements and exercising the right
to free speech. This could only be deemed an “offence” in a
country where basic human rights are denied.

It is not Mario Masuku but the Swazi government of King
Mswati III which is on trial today in Mbabane. If the court
returns a guilty verdict it will not be the accused in the dock that
stands condemned but the monarchist regime.

COSATU reaffirms its full support for the Swaziland Federation
of Trade Unions and others who are today protesting against this
show trial and reasserts its demand that international pressure be
stepped up to establish democracy and human rights in

Patrick Craven and Moloto Mothapo
Acting COSATU Spokespersons

[email protected]


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Contact 082-821-7456 Patrick Craven or Moloto Mothapo for further comment.

Visit the COSATU web site at http://www.cosatu.org.za/press/latest.html for
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