Africa: CODESRIA Text Book Programme: Call for Applications for 2008

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is pleased to call for proposals for its revamped programme for the publication of text books for use in African universities. The programme was initially introduced as part of a broad set of objectives for achieving greater balance and relevance in curriculum development in African universities by making available to teachers and students, text books that are adapted to the African historical context and the environment of research and learning on the continent.

CODESRIA Text Book Programme: Call for Applications for 2008

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is pleased to call for proposals for its revamped programme for the publication of text books for use in African universities. The programme was initially introduced as part of a broad set of objectives for achieving greater balance and relevance in curriculum development in African universities by making available to teachers and students, text books that are adapted to the African historical context and the environment of research and learning on the continent. In this role, it was conceived as an important element of the Council’s wider institutional mandate and publications strategy but it also helped, along side other CODESRIA publications, to assuage the book famine that afflicted the African social research community in the 1980s and 1990s. Through the revamped text book programme, the Council aims to continue to contribute to the nurturing and growth of younger African researchers brought up in a tradition of critical, engaged and rigorous scholarship premised on theoretical and methodological foundations that enable them to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of the frontiers of knowledge.

Against the background of the foregoing, African researchers are invited to submit proposals for text book projects for consideration by the Council. All those wishing to send in proposals must already be senior scholars with a proven track record of academic achievement and a demonstrable knowledge of the domain in which they wish to produce a CODESRIA textbook. In deciding which proposals to support, the Council will place emphasis on the value which is likely to be added by the project. Proposals for consideration could be by individuals wishing to be single authors or by scholars hoping to pool together a group of other contributors whose input they will then edit into a book for use in African universities. Furthermore, multi-author proposals or proposals consisting of the identification and collection into one volume of classics produced by some of the most outstanding thinkers will also be welcomed. Each textbook could either be organised around a discipline or body of disciplines, or on a specific theme. The textbooks could also either cover the entire African continent or a specific sub-region or country.

Applications for consideration under the textbook programme should include the following materials:
i) A proposal which includes a clear theoretical, methodological and pedagogic justification for the project;
ii) The curriculum vitae(s) of the project leader(s) and a bio-sketch of all the other contributors;
iii) Two copies of the publications of the project leader(s) which they consider to be the most significant and relevant to their proposal;
iv) A detailed calendar and budget for the implementation of the project.

All applications received will be examined by an independent selection committee and those which are recommended for support will be eligible for funding by the Council. For indicative purposes, prospective applicants for support within the textbook programme may wish to note that up to USD10,000 may be available from CODESRIA resources to assist them in realising their projects. To be eligible for consideration for support within the 2008 financial year of the Council, all applications should be received by 30 June, 2008. Applications should be sent to:

The CODESRIA Text Book Programme,
Department of Training, Grants and Fellowships,
BP 3304, CP 18524,
Dakar, Senegal.
Tel.: +221-825 98 22/23
Fax.: +221-824 12 89
E-mail: [email][email protected]