Kenya: With our hands, but with your strength -Exhibition

This is an exhibition being organized by Communion and Liberation (CL), an
international Catholic organisation that has as part of its objectives the
promotion of culture and education. In Kenya, CL is affiliated to AVSI
Foundation, Companionship of Works Association (CoWA), St Kizito
Vocational Training Institute and Cardinal Otunga Secondary School among

This is an exhibition being organized by Communion and Liberation (CL), an international Catholic organisation that has as part of its objectives the promotion of culture and education. In Kenya, CL is affiliated to AVSI Foundation, Companionship of Works Association (CoWA), St Kizito Vocational Training Institute and Cardinal Otunga Secondary School among others.

The exhibition is a collection of 52 panels consisting of historical notes, commentaries and works of art from the history of the Benedictine Monks. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, a period that was imbued with destruction, loss of lives and general disorder the Monks begun a communal life characterized by peace, work, respect towards the human person, love for democracy and economic development that led to the birth of a new civilization in Europe.

This exhibition befits the current situation in Kenya as an effort towards peace building after the post election crisis. It seeks to educate the public especially the youth to a way of life that inspires a greater personal commitment to peaceful coexistence as was witnessed by the communities that came into contact with the Benedictines.

During the Exhibition there shall also be a conference entitled “Builders of Peace” where key Kenyan leaders will interact with the youth and tell of their experiences in peace-building especially after the post election crisis.

The Exhibition will be open to the public from Friday 16th May 2008 to Thursday 29th May 2008 from 9.00 am to 5:00pm at the Nairobi National Museum-Independent Gallery, Museum Hill, Nairobi.

If you would like to visit the exhibition as a group, kindly call the following numbers to reserve a guided tour: Simon 8560321; 0734030179; 0724374191 or email [email][email protected]