Africa: 1st Annual Conference - Working Class and Trade Union Studies Association of Nigeria
The theme of the conference is The Nigerian Trade Union Movement: Retrospect and Prospects. The keynote speaker isDr. Festus Iyayi, Department of Business Administration, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Date: 30-31 May 2008.
Working Class and Trade Union Studies Association of Nigeria
Formal Inauguration and 1st Annual Conference
Final Announcement and Call for Papers
Theme: The Nigerian Trade Union Movement: Retrospect and Prospects
Sub-themes include:
Origin and historical foundations
Labour, Economy and Society
The Legal Framework of Trade Union Activities
Trade Union Structure and Classification
Trade Union Governance and Internal Democracy
Trade Unions and the Challenge of Organisation and Mobilisation
Trade Union Finance and Resource Mobilisation
Trade Unions and Workplace Governance
Trade Unions and the Informal Economy
Trade Unions and the Political Process
Trade Unions and Social Movements
Trade Unions and the New Economic World Order
Women Workers and the Trade Unions
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Festus Iyayi, Department of Business Administration, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
30-31 May 2008
Lady Mobolaji Bank-Anthony Hall, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Conference Registration Fee:
N5, 000 (for paper presenters) & N2, 500 for others
Submission of Abstracts & Papers:
Abstracts of paper to be presented should be sent to any of the following; [email][email protected], [email][email protected] not later than 21st May 2008 while three hard copies of the full papers should be brought along to the Conference
It should be noted that papers accepted for presentation would further be assessed for publication.
Announcer: Steering Committee, WCTUSAN.
Tel: 08023148759, 08050674779 and 08023026222