Stephen Gichuru was an adolescent boy living in Kiamaiko, a slum in Nairobi. He was an orphan and as the last born raised by his siblings and living with them. Stephen Gichuru was the brother in law to Human Rights Defender Ruth Mumbi.
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The Department of History and Philosophy, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados and PANAFSTRAG are pleased to issue a call for papers for this inaugural international Pan African Colloquium to be held at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, over the p
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsInternational Center for Policy and Conflict(ICPC) expresses its deep concern that President Uhuru Kenyatta intolerant regime is alarmingly shrinking the space of civil society by attempting to hinder their access to funding, profiling and blacklisting prominent human rights organizations in Keny
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Kenya- Tagged under Food & Health
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Nigeria
His Excellency,
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces,
Muhammadu BuhariSir,
Tagged under GovernanceNAIROBI, 3 JUNE 2015 -The Civil Society Organizations Reference Group (CSORG) and the National Civil Society Congress (NCSC) wish to express their concern at the manner in which the Government has resorted to abuse of State machinery and its agencies to harass, intimidate and liquidate civil soci
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns KenyaFood Sovereignty Ghana, a food advocacy movement, hereby serves notice to embark on a public march as part of a worldwide event comprising millions of marchers.
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns
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