While a number of countries already have discriminating laws against homosexuals in place, there have been intensified efforts to tighten laws on homosexuality as in Nigeria and Uganda; enforce discriminating law as in Malawi, Egypt and Cameroon; or spread hatred in public forums as in Ethiopia.
- Tagged under Governance
On Tuesday, September 23, the residents of Twiga Farm marched through the streets of Nairobi to hand in a petition to the National Assembly. Their demand was an investigation in the unlawful eviction from their lands, the Twiga Farm, and recognition of their right to return.
Tagged under Land & Environment KenyaRecently I came across a cartoon by Kenya’s celebrated caricaturist Gado (2013) addressing the ‘draconian’ Public Benefit Organisations and Media bills.
Tagged under GovernanceThe latest international uproar against sexual violence in DR Congo followed the publication of a UN report that found about 200 women and girls had been raped in November and December 2012 in South Kivu.
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security