It is tear gas season in Uganda again. The reported black-out of news coverage notwithstanding, some videos are in circulation. One shows a shopping arcade in central Kampala being evacuated by mainly young people with their arms raised in surrender.
- Tagged under Democracy & Governance Uganda Yoweri Museveni, Uganda, Uganda elections 2016
The Italian saying, Tutto il mondo è paese, (meaning people are the same the world over), came to mind recently, as I struggled to follow the analyses of the New York Democratic primary election of 2016.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance US elections 2016, Bernie Sanders, Hillary ClintonIn moving the motion for South African President Zuma’s impeachment for violating the Constitution, leader of the opposition, Mmusi Maimane (Democratic Alliance), invoked the names of the venerated Oliver Tambo, Albert Luthuli, Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada, pillars of the Afri
Tagged under Democracy & Governance South Africa, ANC, Zuma impeachment debate- Tagged under Governance South Africa
The canonization of Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania, draws ever closer.
Tagged under Pan-AfricanismAt Oliver Tambo International Airport, the lady at the immigration desk is speaking quietly to another South African, in their language. I smile indulgently as she ignores me. Let her have her moment, I think, looking at how smart she was in her dark blue jacket. Then,
Tagged under GovernanceThe whereabouts of Blaise Compaoré, ex-president of Burkina Faso, remain unknown a full three months after his flight from his palace. It was nearly 27 years to the day when he deposed Captain Thomas Sankara in a coup d’état.
Tagged under Food & Health
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