Besides terrorism threats, the federal government of Somalia faces other threats emanating from three different but self-reinforcing sources. These threats would derail the achievement of peace, stability and self governance in Somalia.
- Tagged under Governance Somalia
Somalia adopted a UN-drafted Provisional Constitution, formed a new national parliament representing the entire population of the country and elected a national leadership for ending 12 years of a chaotic transition period and established a permanent, representative and accountable government eli
Tagged under Governance SomaliaImmediately after the imposition of the Provisional Constitution (PC), establishing a medieval model of governance in Somalia, Prof Ken Menkhaus, scholar and UN/US government advisor on Somalia, published an article under the title, Somalia's 20-year Experiment in
Tagged under Governance SomaliaThe leaked and publicly debated report of Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) of the United Nations has uncovered an unimaginable range of predatory activities perpetrated by Somali leaders as well as by a large number of foreign actors against Somalia’s peace, stability, sovereignty, uni
Tagged under Governance MaliThe strategy is operationalized through multiple fronts, e.g., the misuse of UN Secuirty Council rule- “the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) decides to actively remain seized of the matter of Somalia”, which means Somalia remains under IGAD’s jurisdiction, execution of counter-
The title of the Istanbul II conference – “Preparing Somalia’s future: Goals for 2015” - carries an inspiring and appealing vision.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities SomaliaIn due consideration of the widespread opposition to the draft constitution, the international community and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) should honour the opinions of the concerned Somali stakeholders and desist from its crooked ratification.
Tagged under Governance SomaliaThe debate on the constitution-making process in Somalia shifted to a perilous level after the international community demanded that the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) submit the list of the critics – labeled “spoilers” of the peace process of Somalia – for referral to the Inte
Tagged under Governance SomaliaThe people of Somalia face the looming dreadful reality of becoming a vanished nation/country because of the Draft Constitution soon to be rubberstamped through fraudulent political and legal process.
Tagged under Governance SomaliaIt appears that the UN-wise roadmap for Somalia is nothing but part of a plan of perfidy to keep Somalia and the Somalis in turmoil.
Tagged under Governance Somalia
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