In the wake of the publication of her riveting book, ‘Love under the Kola Nut Tree: What City Moms Didn’t Tell You about Creating Fulfilling Relations’ (2007), Lamnyam has come up with yet another masterpiece titled My Husband is a Cuckoo and Other Poems of My Youth (2012).
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Many of us who pontificate about the dissonance between dissent and patriotism remain oblivious to the fact that these are actually very loaded terms.
Tagged under GovernanceFonkou’s Moi Taximan is a fascinating novel to read.
Tagged under ICT, Media & SecurityIf, up to a certain point, songwriters have to convey the aspirations of their people, the situation of Lapiro de Mbanga is peculiar in that for him freedom of expression is not a given.
Tagged under ResourcesINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Governance CameroonLamnyam’s fictional work titled ‘Love under the Kola-Nut Tree: What City Moms Didn’t Tell You about Creating Fulfilling Relationships’ is a treasure trove of indigenous knowledge and ontological aphorisms.
Tagged under Land & EnvironmentEmvana’s well researched book titled ‘Paul Biya: Les secrets du pouvoir’ is a walk through the meanders in the skewed mind of a compulsive despot — Mr. Paul Biya, the tyrant that has misgoverned Cameroon for close to three decades.
Tagged under Arts & Books CameroonIn a 69-page well-researched book titled ‘De la Françafrique à la Mafiafrique [From Françafrique to Mafiafrique">, Francois Xavier Verschave exposes the underbelly of France and its covert activities in Africa.
Tagged under Arts & BooksThe language question in Cameroon has become the elephant in the room - a problem that no one wants to talk about. Of all the burning issues that continue to plague Cameroon, the language question is the thorniest.
Tagged under Governance CameroonIt's often said that people deserve their leaders. Can anyone in their right frame of mind honestly deny the fact that Cameroonians deserve Mr Paul Barthélemy Biya Bi Mvondo? There is a generation of Cameroonians who have not known another president but Paul Biya.
Tagged under Governance Cameroon
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