PAMBAZUKA NEWS: Can you tell me very briefly what your book, ‘Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism?’, what is it about?
- Tagged under Global South
PAMBAZUKA NEWS: There has been much publicity about the so-called 'currency war' arising from the discussions at the recent G20 meeting. Can you explain what is meant by currency war?
Tagged under Human SecurityThe Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted by acclamation in September 2000 by a resolution of the UN called the ‘United Nations Millennium Declaration’.
Tagged under Governance1) A currency cannot exist in the absence of a state. Together, a state and its currency are the means by which capital operates, above and beyond the various competing forces.
Tagged under GovernanceDambisa Moyo was no doubt an excellent student. Unfortunately, she is a product of the conventional economics curriculum, which is great if one is to embark on a career at the World Bank, or Goldman Sachs.
Tagged under GovernanceFor the second time in contemporary history the imperialist dimension of capitalism is being challenged. The first time was after the Second World War.
Tagged under GovernanceThank you dear friends, sisters and brothers, it is with much emotion that I respond to the honour of being invited to speak at this first Babu Memorial Lecture.
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1) The work of Wackernagel and Rees (first publication in English, 1996) instigated a major strand in radical social thinking about construction of the future.
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