The burning of the mabanda belonging to ‘Wabara’ at Pwani Mchangani in Zanzibar has become a big story, treated as a criminal or a political act by Zanzibaris against mainlanders. It may be both, but nobody has asked where the root of the problem may lie in the economic and social sphere.
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- Tagged under Governance Tanzania
Most western countries tacitly supported the creation of a divided Sudan even before the referendum took place. However, separation is not necessarily the ideal solution.
Tagged under Governance South Sudan‘People will easily be able to sympathise with our issues, but they need the information first.’ Senia Bachir Abderahman is talking about the situation in the refugee camp that she grew up in and the frustration that her family and most of her fellow Saharawis (Western Sahara’s indigenous populat
Tagged under Human SecurityThe Africa Carbon Exchange (ACX) was launched in Nairobi on March 24; yet only two days before, Bloomberg headlines announced: ‘Global Carbon Credits Die as Smart Money Backs Indian RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates).’[1]
Tagged under GovernanceFollowing the Battle of Zela in 47 B.C. (present day Zile, Turkey), Julius Caesar claimed victory by declaring: “I came; I saw; I conquered." In 2011, Caesar Meles Zenawi, the dictator-in-chief in Ethiopia, scattered his top henchmen throughout the U.S.
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaThe events in the conflict-torn Libya and many other countries in North Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere – including what is emerging in Uganda – warrant the attention of all peace-loving and development-conscious people, globally.
Tagged under Human SecurityHe successfully used a policy of tit-for-tat to survive in a politically hostile environment. Today he says he is not a dictator but a disciplinarian and that the new policy of shoot to kill given to the security agencies is mainly to ensure national security.
Tagged under Governance MalawiMany novelists and indeed artists when penning or composing their craft rarely realise the lasting impact or genius their work might have.
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsBROUGHT TO YOU BY PAMBAZUKA NEWS
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Tagged under Food & HealthLibya as a country supposedly freed from European colonisation has existed for quite some time. The country had particularly shaken off the shackles of Western colonialism and influence since 1960s.
Tagged under Governance Libya
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