- Tagged under Human Security Egypt
The first section deals with the manifestations of violence, its types, causes and consequences, presenting stats for crimes of violence against women in the last period, of the latest report of land center, on violence against women in Egypt (2009) entitled "Violence against women in Egypt murde
Tagged under Gender & Minorities EgyptIn perhaps his most famous anti-imperialist essay ‘To the Person Sitting in Darkness’, Mark Twain critiques the self-evident truth of American imperial policy in Africa, China and the Philippines:
Tagged under Global South Egypt- Tagged under ICT, Media & Security Egypt
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Egypt
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Egypt
- Tagged under ICT, Media & Security Egypt
The Cairo Refugee Film Festival (CRFF) is an Initiative that started in 2009 with the aim of organizing a film festival commemorating the World Refugee Day in June. For more information on last festival, please click here.
Tagged under Human Security EgyptMr. Isaac Ismail Matar Mohammed died in one of the secret Egyptian security prisons where he was detained involuntarily since January 16, 2010 with two of his comrades from the neighborhood of October Sixth.
Tagged under Human Security Egypt
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