The bill proposed by the Council of Ministers in March 2014, and rejected a week later by the parliament due to condemnation of the international community, is a very good example of the hostility towards LGBTQ people in this second most populous African nation.
- Tagged under Gender & Minorities Ethiopia Sexual minority rights
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere belief that people of Ethiopian heritage hold great hope in the democratic vision and leadership you have demonstrated in the short time that you have been in office.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Ethiopia Racism in World BankLoan of looted Ethiopian treasures to Ethiopia: Must Europeans always win?
From this scene I strolled away to the northern gate, to where the dead body of the late
Tagged under Arts & Books Ethiopia Ethiopian artefactsIntroduction
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Ethiopia Abiy AhmedIn what seems like a watershed moment, Ethiopia has a new head of state: Abiy Ahmed, who was sworn in amid much fanfare on 2 April 2018.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Ethiopia Abiy AhmedExactly ten years ago at the annual meeting of the Oromo Studies Association in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America, the late, great Kenyan comparativist and philosopher Ali Mazrui gave the keynote speech.
Tagged under Human Security Ethiopia Oromo peopleIn July Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his historical visit to four East African countries: Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and concluding in Ethiopia.
Tagged under Global South Ethiopia Ethiopian Jews, Aliya, Benjamin Netanyahu, Haile Mariam Desalegn- Tagged under Democracy & Governance Ethiopia
Hosted by Jimma University’s young and enthusiastic College of Law and Governance along with the Vice President’s Office of Research and Community Relations, this 5-day writing workshop brought 36 scholars from nine countries to Jimma, Ethiopia.
This commentary is our fourth installment on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
Tagged under Resources Ethiopia Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
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