23 February 2018 represented the 150th birthday of W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the leading intellectual and organisational figures to emerge during the 19th century who extended his contributions well into the 20th century.
- Tagged under Pan-Africanism North America Memphis police attack
I wished Trump a win
For I wished to see an experiment
For I had never seen an experiment
It is true; I had never seen an experiment
I did not see Stalin’s experiment
I did not see Hitler’s experiment
I did not see Mussolini’s experiment
Tagged under Arts & Books North America Donald TrumpAdulation keeps flowing in, after the release of Black Panther, Marvel’s black superhero movie that features many Black firsts: the all Black star-studded cast, led by a Black superhero, and his Black love interest, was directed by a Black man.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism North America RacismThe United States faces profound challenges in the areas of race relations, class exploitation, the rights of immigrants, women and other marginalised groups, the threat of world war and other calamities.
Tagged under Human Security North America SlaveryHollywood films should always come with a consumer health warning to people of African descent: “Beware of The Ideology of the Aesthetic”, as Terry Eagleton would put it.
Tagged under Arts & Books North America Black PantherImperialist war, the dignity of work and the ultimate objective of total freedom
Tagged under Pan-Africanism North America Working class strugglesWhy should you care? Because e pluribus unum, means “out of many one.” There is strength in our diversity.
Tagged under Human Security North America African AmericansAmericans woke up during the second week of 2018 to another of United States President Donald Trump’s tirades.
Tagged under Global South North America Donald TrumpThe mission statement of US African Command (AFRICOM), articulated by President George Bush in 2007, declared African underdevelopment and human insecurities as a threat to US national security.
Tagged under Human Security North America AFRICOMBehind the Trump veneer is a system of oppression and exploitation, which must be uprooted.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom of the central figure in the movement for civil rights and peace in the United States during the 1960s.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism North America Martin Luther King Jr.
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