Editors note on the Bush in Africa - Bush out of Africa - Special Issue

Dear Pambazuka Community,

We are very pleased to bring you this Special Issue, a collaboration with Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF). First Clinton, then Blair and now Bush – it seems Africa is fast becoming a legacy maker. With Iraq up in flames and Afghanistan still at war, and with a Pakistan where democratic voices are assassinated, Africa (a few select countries) for Bush seems like a logical destination. But what is his legacy?

Activist organizations Africa Action, Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN), International Labor Rights Forum, and Jubilee USA Network tackle this question by looking at the various components to his foreign policy: AIDS, Global War on Terror/AFRICOM, and Debt Relief.

We have also included in this Special Issue the contact information and the general take of a number of these organization on Bush for those who may wish to follow up on this conversation.

A very special thanks to Emira Woods, Co-Director of Foreign Policy In Focus (www.fpif.org) for being the force behind this special issue.

Thank you,
Pambazuka Editors