FHRI Appeal on Zimbabwe

It is now eleven days since Zimbabwe held its disputed General Elections. It is very troubling that since 29th March 2008, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has not declared the Presidential election results and the people of Zimbabwe have not been given any credible explanation for the ordinate delay.
The holding of democratic elections is an important dimension in conflict prevention, management and resolution.

11th April 2008

It is now eleven days since Zimbabwe held its disputed General Elections. It is very troubling that since 29th March 2008, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has not declared the Presidential election results and the people of Zimbabwe have not been given any credible explanation for the ordinate delay.
The holding of democratic elections is an important dimension in conflict prevention, management and resolution. Democratic elections should be conducted freely and fairly, under a system that ensures in particular, an independent, impartial, all inclusive competent accountable electoral institution, and the independence of the Judiciary.
The High Court of Zimbabwe has taken on the matter, but the principles of free and fair elections as well as accountability which are pre-requisite in a democratic election have been manifestly compromised by both the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and the incumbent Government of Zimbabwe.
Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) appeals to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to urgently revisit the ideals of the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa set by the Guidelines for African Union Electoral Observation and Monitoring Missions 2004. We, in particular call upon the Government of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Election Commission to:
i. Take all necessary measures and precautions to prevent the perpetration of electoral fraud, rigging or any other illegal practices in order to maintain peace and security in Zimbabwe.
ii. Ensure that adequate security is provided to all parties that have participated in elections.
iii. Ensure the transparency and integrity of the entire electoral process by declaring the results of the Presidential elections at the earliest opportunity to prevent bloodshed as was the situation in Kenya We stand in solidarity with human rights defenders in Zimbabwe and salute them for their courage and resilience.
In defence of peace, democracy and human rights for all.

Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI)
Human Rights House
P. O. Box 11027,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-414-466880 / 256-414-510263 / 256-772-422278
E-mail: [email][email protected]