Death of Prof. Guy Mhone

It is with the deepest regret and a profound sense of loss that I write to inform you of the death in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 01 March 2005 of our colleague, teacher and friend, Professor Guy Mhone. Born of Malawian parents, he spent most of his professional life outside of his native country, mostly in Zimbabwe and South Africa. He was elected into the CODESRIA Executive Committee representing Southern Africa at the 10th General Assembly of the Council held in Kampala, Uganda, in December 2002. Those who knew him socially attest universally to the fact that he was a gentleman who had great humanitarian principles and a quiet sense of humour. For those of us who were privileged to work closely with him, we will remember him as one of the brightest economists produced by the African continent and with an abiding commitment to the progress of Africans.

Professor Mhone gave no hint of the imminence of his departure from us when the CODESRIA Executive Committee had its 61st meeting in Algiers in December 2004. Indeed, even at the meeting of the Sub-Committee on Governance held at the end of January 2005 to review the Council's Charter ahead of the 11th General Assembly scheduled for December 2005, he was full of cheer. Little did we realize that it was his way of telling us goodbye. His death has robbed the Executive Committee of a highly valued and perceptive member; for us in the Secretariat, and for the membership of the Council across Africa and the Diaspora in general, and in Southern Africa in particular, his untimely departure has robbed us of his wise counsel. And now, helpless, we can only scribble our lines of sorrow to convey our condolences to his family, praying that they will find the courage to bear the heavy loss which death has so cruelly and suddenly inflicted on them. Our thoughts go particularly to his wife and children. May the gentle soul of Professor Mhone should find eternal rest.

Colleagues wishing to send condolence messages to his family are strongly encouraged to do so using the following e-mail address: [email]

(Letter from CODESRIA to all members of CODESRIA and of the African Social Research Community)