Discussing colour

Africa needs to be made more aware of the potentially damaging media related stuff that its people are readily importing from countries like America, the western world's biggest exporter of media related stuff. The sort of stuff they should be looking out for goes like this: Whenever there is a role in the media setting, like one of America’s most popular TV acting related program or film, and the part requires a black woman who is attractive or seductive then they will use a light skinned woman, in some cases they've just used someone who is mixed race instead. But if she is supposed to be unattractive, old or obese then they will use someone who is dark skinned and with typical black features. Whilst men don't usually suffer from such requirements, it’s a system that is saying that this practice is perfectly acceptable.

The R&B and Rap scene is worse because they produce tons of music videos each month and its always the case that most of the black women in those videos are unofficially required to be light skinned or almost European looking or both.

It’s not something that we can ignore easily for some African countries already have some sort of unofficial media related colour hierarchy system from slavery and colonial times that some of their women are subject to, so some of the women in those regions will have problems. We can't possibly believe that everything that comes from the west is good and beneficial for us, because all societies have good and bad points, even if they are rich.