Zimbabwe Truth and Reconciliation Coalition
The Institute for a Democratic Alternative for Zimbabwe (IDAZIM) has formed a Truth and Justice Coalition to, amongst other things "identify perpetrators and seek legal redress for the victims of crimes against humanity and other serious crimes in Zimbabwe."
“The destruction of democracy begins when good people, just people or merely those who are well intentioned do nothing”, Gabriel Shumba, a torture victim, human rights lawyer, exile and spokesperson for the Truth and Justice Coalition announced. The Institute for a Democratic Alternative for Zimbabwe (IDAZIM) has initiated, with full support from civil society, labour and legal organizations, the Truth and Justice Coalition on Zimbabwe. Its objectives are to identify perpetrators and seek legal redress for the victims of crimes against humanity and other serious crimes in Zimbabwe.
Shumba announced yesterday that the coalition had now assembled over 200 names of ZANU (PF) military, militia, members of parliament and war veterans who in their personal and/or professional capacity have unleashed terror and tyranny against civilians in recent months. More importantly, their complicity with a cabal of high-ranking Zimbabwean politicians and military personnel with links to other countries is now documented for public release. Shumba said, “today we shall begin the rollout of disgrace for people driven by personal greed, who have defamed and destroyed democracy in our nation. These names are part of a criminal dossier being compiled to support prosecutions in South Africa and other jurisdictions.” He added, “we begin with names like Brigadier Nyikayaramba, who is based in Mudzi South and commanding the indiscriminate torture, rape and beating of innocent citizens.
“The Truth and Justice Coalition will not stop pursuing these perpetrators of crimes until they are brought to justice. In addition, the Coalition shall highlight their personal assets, illicit money laundering and collusion with some Asian and other African states in disclosing their criminal activity. Bright Matonga, MP for Mhondoro-Ngezi and former Deputy Information Minister has been identified for acts of property destruction, including farm looting and public transportation fraud. In addition the blood diamonds trail may lead us to the DRC, where senior government officials and their families have already been implicated.
The TJC believes that one of the most tragic betrayals of this once proud liberation movement in Zimbabwe is the subversion of institutions of government like the army, the police and the judiciary whose loyalty is now not to the citizenry but ruling clique. For example, the Commander of the Armed Forces, General Chiwenga, in his personal capacity is the architect of military madness and murder nationwide. He has personally lied to and advised the caretaker President to subvert the peoples’ will, due to his personal interest and those of his colleagues.
The General has personally accumulated an estimated US$3 million worth of minerals and assets including a palatial home at Borrowdale Brooke in Harare. His wife, Jocelyn Chiwenga, receives the Zimbabwe Defence Forces main supply contracts. He has personally rejected democracy and has also instructed a military roll out which includes the deployment of militia, soldiers, army brigadiers and war veterans into rural areas to torture at will, and in some instances kill mainly opposition MDC supporters.
In Mudzi North, General Chiwenga is working in cahoots with Assistant Commissioner Pfumvute assisted by war veteran Zvidzai Katsande, Councilor Nyakumba, Asst Commissioner Nikati and, as a particular shame of justice, Member of Parliament Newton Kachedza. These people were in positions of command and authority at the time of the tragic death of Murunde Tembo who was attacked in Mashonaland East on Tuesday the 15th of April. Tembo sustained serious injuries to his body including broken legs. He died on his way to hospital.
Davie Malungisa, Executive Director of IDAZIM explained “these profiles are real stories of ordinary people, not only tortured, but silenced forever because of their decision to exercise their right to vote. General Chiwenga, by virtue of the principle of command responsibility, in his personal capacity, will be charged under local and international laws for these crimes.”
One of the most shameful assaults on innocents to date ironically occurred on 18 April, Zimbabwe’s Independence Day. On this fateful day, five-year old, Brighton Mabwera from Manyika village in Uzumba was murdered in his sleep when the hut he was sleeping in was set on fire by ZANU (PF) thugs. After the discovery of his charred remains, his grieving parents were compelled to bury the body in the absence of a post-mortem so that evidence will be hidden. Little Brighton’s only crime is that his parents belong to a different party than the ruling one.
The Coalition’s legal coordinator, Nicole Fritz, Director of the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), which was responsible for the court action that prevented the Chinese arms shipment from docking in South Africa, commented: “Mr Chiwenga in his personal and professional capacity attracts the same responsibility in international law as did the warlords of Bosnia Herzegovina, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. This course of action has legal precedent. This Coalition will seek legal representation in South Africa where, in terms of South African law, those responsible for crimes against humanity can be apprehended and prosecuted. We have been receiving unprecedented reports of widespread, state-sponsored killing, rape, assault, damage to property, and large-scale displacement.”
The Truth and Justice Coalition will shortly reveal names of other Zimbabwean officials– including their business, financial and possible political associations that are protecting or even perhaps preventing Mugabe from following democratic resolve.