New format for Pambazuka News

Pambazuka News is getting longer and longer ...

This has happened because we are attracting more and more excellent articles from more than a 1000 analysts, activists, women's organizations, writers, artists, poets, bloggers, and commentators who together provide insightful and thoughtful analyses that make Pambazuka News one of the most innovative and influential sites for social justice in Africa.

But, as a result, the long emails we send you are becoming unmanageable. We get a lot of complaints from readers about the excessive length of Pambazuka News.

So here’s what we are going to try out.

From now on, we are going to provide you with the full text ONLY of the lead feature article.

For all other articles, we will include just an extract of each article, with a link to the full text available on the . This should allow us to produce shorter emails, and allow you to select which of the articles you want to read in full.

We realise that this may cause problems for those of you who have poor connections that make browsing the web slow and frustrating.

We would like to hear from you if you would prefer that we continue to publish the long emails with the full text of the articles. We are looking into setting up facilities to enable you to request receiving by email the full text of the articles your are interested in.