Zimbabwe: Civil society speaks out loudly
Civil society organisations have been and continue to meet in South Africa in the run up to the 4th Annual SADC Summit due to take place at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa on 15-17 August 2008.
Civil society organisations have been and continue to meet in South Africa in the run up to the 4th Annual SADC Summit due to take place at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa on 15-17 August 2008. Statements from these meetings include:
1) A delegation from the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum attended the SADC-Council of Non Government Organisations (SADC CNGO) meting, which ended with the final statement with strong recommendations on Zimbabwe. The final text will be was adopted today, 14.08.08 and is attached here.
2) A COSATU-convened Zimbabwe and Swaziland Solidarity Conference took place on 10 -11.08.08 attended by civil society organisations from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Swaziland and others from the rest of the Southern African region. COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi gave an opening address which demanded “freedom and democracy for citizens of both countries” and noting that “Zimbabwe and Swaziland cannot continue to be islands of dictatorship surrounded by a sea of democracy in our region”. His full address can be read on line at HYPERLINK “http://www.cosatu.org.za/speeches/2008/zv20080810.htm “http://www.cosatu.org.za/speeches/2008/zv20080810.htm
The final Declaration of this Conference is attached here. It declares solidarity with ‘the principles of democratic governance that are embodied in the SADC and African Union Charters, declarations and protocols on good governance and which represent the birthright of every African´ and notes that “electoral fraud, political manipulation by ruling elites, institutionalised oppression and state brutality are the key defining features of the two states, and that unless we act and act together, this situation will never change”. Amongst specific recommendations on Zimbabwe is the demand that “civil society organisations and the general public be party to the on-going negotiations”.
Other forthcoming events in the lead up to the SADC Summit meeting include a march in Johannesburg on 16.8.08 organised by The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), jointly with many other organisations. The march will protest against the participation of the illegitimate governments of Robert Mugabe and Mswati in the summit. We attach the flier for the event here.
International Liaison Office Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum
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