Zimbabwe: ZCTU on privatisation
It seems government will go ahead with its controversial plans of privatization without employing a holistic, inclusive and participatory approach. The ZCTU believes there is need for genuine social dialogue whereby all stakeholders are consulted before major decisions are made. Social dialogue has been used the world over as a means of decision-making and programme implementation at all levels.
The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is perturbed by Cabinet’s approval of privatization. Privatization is concerned with maximizing profits ahead of human needs, rights and interests.
It seems government will go ahead with its controversial plans of privatization without employing a holistic, inclusive and participatory approach. The ZCTU believes there is need for genuine social dialogue whereby all stakeholders are consulted before major decisions are made. Social dialogue has been used the world over as a means of decision-making and programme implementation at all levels.
The process of privatization has severe social consequences on labour and consumers in general. It seems government is employing a ‘trial and error’ approach without really considering the implications for other stakeholders, for example job losses or insecurity and poor service delivery. Cabinet has put the goal of profit maximization ahead of human needs, rights and interests.
The ZCTU therefore rejects Cabinet’s approval of privatization of state enterprises as largely a top-down approach has been employed without the involvement of all stakeholders resulting in uncertainty. Labour demands that stakeholders be extensively consulted and a common vision on matters of national interest be developed instead of Cabinet making unilateral decisions.