Mali, HIV/AIDS and the PRSP Background

To change the situation and mainstream HIV/AIDS as a cross-sectoral issue in the final PRSP, the Government of Mali, in collaboration with the HIV/AIDS Theme Group, convened a three day workshop on “Integrating HIV/AIDS into the final PRSP” in Bamako, in September 2001.The main objective of the workshop was to elaborate a multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS action plan to insert in the final PRSP.

Mali, with a GNP per capita of $250 in 1998, is among the ten least-developed countries in the world. Its social indicators are significantly weaker than the average for sub-Saharan Africa. Poverty is a widespread phenomenon that persists at an unacceptable level, with three-quarters of the population living below the poverty line (US$1 per day). Given this high level of poverty and the debt burden, the Monetary Fund and the World Bank classified Mali as one of the heavily indebted poor countries, eligible for debt relief. The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Mali is estimated at 3 to 4%. The primary route of transmission of HIV is heterosexual intercourse. This year, an HIV/AIDS module has been included into the EDS III (Demography and Health Survey) and will provide the most updated HIV/AIDS prevalence rate by the end of 2001. Mali needs prompt and effective action to prevent an explosive growth of the epidemic.In August 2000, the country reached the completion point under the original HIPC initiative framework and the decision point under the enhanced framework, obtaining US$ 47 million (approx.) annual savings to advance its poverty reduction programs. During 2000-2001, the government has allocated US$ 1,4 million from the debt relief funds for access to care to people living with HIV/AIDS, within the framework of Malian initiative access to ARV (IMAARV).

HIV/AIDS & PRSP: Mali completed its Interim-Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (I-PRSP) in July 2001 and is currently working to finalize the full PRSP by the end of 2001. The treatment of HIV/AIDS in the I-PRSP was light, limited to the inclusion of the objective « Lower the AIDS sero-prevalence from 3% to 2 %”. The complex links between HIV/AIDS and poverty were not spelled out, HIV/AIDS was included as one of the poverty monitoring indicator depending on data availability, and no medium-term goals or targets were included in the I-PRSP. To change the situation and mainstream HIV/AIDS as a cross-sectoral issue in the final PRSP, the Government of Mali, in collaboration with the HIV/AIDS Theme Group, convened a three day workshop on “Integrating HIV/AIDS into the final PRSP” in Bamako, in September 2001.The main objective of the workshop was to elaborate a multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS action plan to insert in the final PRSP. The workshop, chaired by the President of the National Committee against Poverty and the Ministry of Finance, brought together 30 participants from the different theme working groups, the civil society, bilateral donors and UN agencies. UNAIDS was invited to provide its technical expertise to the working groups. The final output of the workshop was the HIV/AIDS dimension developed as a cross-cutting component through a multi-sectoral approach to be inserted in the final PRSP. The workshop contributed significantly in the harmonisation of the HIV/AIDS sectoral plans elaborated within the framework of the National AIDS Strategic Plan 2001-2005. Next Steps: The PRSP Mid-Term Plan 2001-2003 and its financing shall be finalised before end of November 2001. A Round Table to mobilise additional resources for the Action Plan 2001-2003, including the HIV/AIDS component in the PRSP, and expanded partnerships will be organised in January 2002.UNAIDS Theme Group will support and encourage research and studies that will provide data on the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS in Mali. Country-specific information is available from Dr. Jean-Louis LEDECQ, Country Program Advisor, UNAIDS, [email protected], Bamako, Republic of Mali.

Source: the AIDS-Poverty-Debt Relief Newsletter
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