2015 Drivers of Change Awards: A call for nominations
Nominations for the 2015 Drivers of Change Awards are now open! Nominate individuals, businesses, civil society organisations and government agencies that are making a real impact to end poverty.
Drivers of Change Awards recognise individuals and organisations from across southern Africa that are implementing effective public policies and strategies to overcome poverty. In tandem with the 24th African Union Summit’s declaration of 2015 as “The Year of Women's Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063” the 2015 Drivers of Change Awards will specially recognise innovative practices that improve and develop the lives of women and girls in southern Africa.
The closing date for nominations is 31 July 2015. Visit www.driversofchange.southernafricatrust.org for more information, or contact Katiana Ramsamy at +27 11 318 1012 or [email]kramsamy@southernafricatrust.org.”