Aid rage (1)

Thanks for your article. It states what I have been thinking for the past thirty years. I was in Nairobi in 1969. I saw no aid vehicles. It was a pleasant city and country.
I returned in the 1980s and there was a strong possibility that I could have been run over by an aid vehicle of one kind or another.

How can Africa prosper with unfair trade like the subsidisation of farming in the US and EU to the tune of $350 billion per year? Take debt - modern colonisation.

I think the penny is beginning to drop that the structures in place now are comparable with the European structural policy that kept slavery in place for centuries. Only global structural change will bring about lasting change which will transfer power to people to chart heir own destiny. Right now Africa is being made the object of other people's need.

Also, structural charity cannot be a solution for structural injustice maintained by an international elite that prolongs the construct of colonialism. It is an insult to "Thank God tonight its them instead of you". Whose God are they thanking? It cannot be the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible is that of the excluded.
