Bush stole election

There is a large contingent of US citizens, including myself, who think that John Kerry received a plurality of the popular votes in certain key states that determined the election, namely Ohio and Florida. We think that George Bush stole the election by manipulating the vote count in various ways. We also believe that this was done in the 2000 election in Florida (the state that had the decisive vote count), by his brother, Jeb, who was, and still is, governor of Florida. If it could happen in 2000, before George Bush and his team were in power, it would be an even easier task now, since the Bush team manipulates the strings of government at all levels. There is also evidence they may be manipulating state and local elections and that is why their majority is growing in elected offices throughout the nation.

If anyone internationally noticed, the early exit polls in key states were so favourable to Kerry that he started writing his acceptance speech the evening of the election. Then, when the vote counts came out, they were far from favourable. Experts who have successfully predicted every previous election from exit polls, say the whole business is highly suspicious.
Unfortunately, most Americans, as well as the US press, fall right in line, questioning nothing.

I used to be a political activist because I thought there was some hope in fighting for what you believe in. Now I do not know. If one’s vote no longer counts, then it seems a hopeless task to put time, money and energy into backing a candidate who will be defeated by illegal means.

I write this because I do not want people all over the world to think a majority of US citizens favour George Bush and his imperious, internationally destabilizing policies. I voted for Kerry and so did millions more. The stories of voter disenfranchisement are becoming legion since this administration arrived on the scene. I suppose that is what the next war here will be about - the war for truth and accountability.