Featured This Week

FEATURE: In the second of a three part series, Ike Okonta analyses how MEND has transformed the image of Niger Delta communities from hapless victims to an assertive political bloc.
- Rafael Marques argues that Angola is undergoing a process of commercialization as a substitute to democratization.
- Emman Ozoemena wonders if there are lessons to be learnt from the American experience in managing an open political field.
LETTERS: Readers respond to recent articles.
PAN AFRICAN POSTCARD: Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem bids farewell to Dr Wanjiru Kihoro.
WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: Registration announcement
CONFLICT AND EMERGENCIES: Links to news on Sudan, Somalia, Cote d'Ivoire and Uganda
HUMAN RIGHTS: Zim government intensifies crackdown on dissent
WOMEN AND GENDER: Women in the new millennium
REFUGEES AND FORCED MIGRATION: Q/A: Internally displaced people
ELECTIONS AND GOVERNANCE: From votes to security
DEVELOPMENT: Development indicators improve in Africa
CORRUPTION: Corrupting the fight against corruption
HEALTH AND HIV/AIDS: AIDS campaign induces behaviour change
EDUCATION: School fees and HIV/AIDS
RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA: Xenophobia and the East African federation
ENVIRONMENT: Programmes to combat climate change
LAND AND LAND RIGHTS: San communal lands contested
NEWS FROM THE DIASPORA: The return of the bell curve
INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY: UNICEF launches online Swahili game to boost HIV prevention
PLUS: e-Newsletters and Mailings Lists; Fundraising and Useful Resources; Courses, Seminars and Workshops; Jobs.