Patterns of social inequalities unchanged in South Africa

I have returned to the UK from a 3 week private visit to Cape Town. These are my observations. The patterns of social inequalities remain unchanged!

The Africans who live in the townships of Langa, Gulguletu and Khayalitsha are reminders that social justice has not been achieved.

I find it equally distasteful to see the ANC government paying land owners for land which they got for next top nothing. These landowners should be paying reparations.

Africans must demand reparations for the following reasons.

1) It would send a clear message to the colonialist/imperialist that they understand how capitalism works and, how wealth was accumlulated by the UK and others.

2) It would also show that Africans understand social-economic justice.

3) It would show that Africans take their humanity seriously.

4) It would also soothe the psychological/ emotional pain many Africans have been enduring for the last 300 years.

5) It would also make Franz Fanon and Thomas Sankara happy men. Let us make these young ancestors proud.

Thank you for reading my letter.