In 2001, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) admitted that “more than half of global trade today is conducted under preferential trade agreements, both regional or multilateral.”
- Tagged under Economics Trade wars
Recent discussions and exchanges among members of a research network on Africa-China relations about the diversity of participants at a conference that very network is organising brought me back to this idea I had a few years ago to write about Africa-China relations being discussed without Afric
Tagged under Global South Other China-Africa relationsChina’s economic restructuring could be considered to be one of the factors that are driving African traders to leave China. However, the global commodity prices drop does not have an impact on traders’ presence or absence in China.
Tagged under Global South Asia Africa-China RelationBoth access to resources and market expansion have been at the forefront of Africa-EU trade relations, and closer trade activities are particularly developed between resource-rich African countries and the European Union.
Tagged under EconomicsChinatowns in the United States and Canada as opposed to those in Southeast Asia have formed in a rather more complicated and complex era for the acceptance of ethnic Chinese in North America.
Tagged under Global SouthNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
In 2015, important steps towards the conclusion of the TPP were made. But Trump’s election as the President of the US put a question mark about the TPP and the role the US played to make it materialise.
Tagged under Economics CETA, NAFTA, TPP, American economy, Donald Trump, China in the global capitalist systemAs in many African countries, Chinese traders have established businesses in Namibia. The early Chinese traders in Namibia were originally from Taiwan and were involved in the textile industry around Southern Africa.
Tagged under Governance NamibiaFor two decades or so, the relationship between African countries and China has grown, and cooperation has been increasing in various areas, including media, culture and education.
Tagged under Global SouthThe year 2012 marked the beginning of China’s new economic reforms, coinciding with a new leadership era. Prior to 2012, China had seen unprecedented economic growth, particularly from the exports of manufactured goods.
Tagged under Global South