The coming two weeks (23 June – 2 July 2011) are busy weeks for African Union (AU). It is organising the 17th ordinary Heads of States and Governments Summit, which is taking place in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
- Tagged under Governance Equatorial Guinea
The next African Union general assembly theme is ‘Accelerating Youth Empowerment for a Sustainable Development’ and the summit scheduled to happen in the last week of June 2011, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
Tagged under GovernanceThe African Union will hold its 17th Heads of States and Governments Summit in the last two weeks of June 2011 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The theme of the summit is ‘Accelerating youth empowerment for sustainable development’.
Tagged under GovernanceSo we’ve just witnessed two big farewell parties in Tunis and Cairo within less than a month’s time. The third party is still going on and it’s not too far to see the fireworks to be staged in the streets of Tripoli celebrating the fall of the giant of the Arab world and African dictators.
Tagged under GovernanceThis piece is inspired by the undying spirit of passion for youth activism that the writer shares with many African youth activists.
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