‘I believe that people who use the revolution as an argument for not returning artifacts do not even deserve to be taken into consideration. These people are taking advantage of a dramatic situation to justify their point of view, a fact that is unethical and better ignored’. – Fayza Haika[1]
- Tagged under Governance Egypt
Salt cellar,
looted in the 1897
Punitive Expedition,
now in British Museum,Tagged under Arts & Books Nigeria‘You must understand what the Parthenon Marbles mean to us. They are our pride. They are our sacrifices. They are the supreme symbol of nobility. They are a tribute to democratic philosophy. They are our aspiration and our name. They are the essence of Greekness.’– Melina Mercouri [1]
Tagged under Governance‘What few people realise is that MacGregor's activities on behalf of the British Museum, although dressed up as a laudable didactic mission of public enlightenment and edification, are actually part of a more urgent project to protect the beleaguered edifice that is the Encyclopaedic Museum in Eu
Tagged under Governance
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