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A monologue
Tagged under GovernanceKintu
We beg your assistance
In our endeavours.
To find the next players
Of your trumpets called bigwala.
Please intercede on our behalf
To the creator Kibumba.Tagged under GovernanceI hear you talking of genocide and gorillas. But there is more than that to Rwandan history. In telling you of Rwanda, come with me into the 17th century.
Tagged under GovernanceThere is mud under your toenails, your feet camouflaged by dust. Come, Great Sister of ours, place them in these calabashes of water, so I can wash away all the dirt. After drying them, I shall bless them with oil.
Tagged under GovernanceI hear you talking of African Icons
Assembling the African Pantheon.
Don't forget to cite the Congo Man
For we must always speak of him.
Tried to humiliate him
To obliterate him
But Lumumba lives on and on.
In our thoughts
And in this songTagged under GovernanceIn a time of complete chaos, when disaster came stomping through the land, grabbing what it wanted, devastating the rest; his name became an amulet to thousands, a talisman for the terrorised. They flocked to see him, to see if the lighthouse was real.
Tagged under Governance1st voice: Here comes the sand
To cover everything
But before it does
Honour an African Teacher,
Of Ahmed Baba I must singTagged under GovernanceNeighbour of mine, I see your pain is growing. I think to cook today would be too much for you. Come sister, share mbebe and nshima with me.
Tagged under Governance
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