Walter Rodney has taught us that struggles for liberation have their links and continuities. Samir Amin wrote about small revolutions and the great ones, emphasizing this connectivity.
Willy Mutunga was the Chief Justice & President of the Supreme Court in Kenya between 2011 and 2016. He is an Adjunct Professor in Public Law, Kabarak University Law School.
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Kenya
- Tagged under Democracy & Governance Kenya Kenya
The sad news of the passing on of Samir Amin found me reading Karim Hirji’s brilliant new book The Enduring Relevance of Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’. Samir Amin appears, as one would expect, in pages of the book.
Tagged under Global South Tribute to Samir AminThe Kenyan elite and its variants in the political, corporate (licit and illicit), civil society, media, intelligentsia and the diaspora, need to grow up and cease their superficial dramas and look past their noses to see that their theatrics have far-wider reaching consequences that affect milli
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceFellow Kenyans, I have called this press conference to inform the country of two separate but significant events that have occurred in the past one week.
Tagged under Governance KenyaMr President, Mr Prime Minister, Mr Speaker, Mr Vice President, the Chair and Members of the AU Panel of Eminent Persons, retired presidents, friends, colleagues, fellow citizens, it is an honour to have received invitation to address you today particularly on an issue no less important than that
Tagged under Governance- Tagged under Food & Health