The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Salutes Africa

In Venezuela since 2005, we reindivicate every 10th of May the Afro -Venezuelan day. We reindivicate the uprising of Jose Leonardo Chirinos (1795), an afrodescendant rebel against slavery and in favour of equality. Another month of May that stimulates us and invites us to devote our words of encouragement to the African continent. is May 25th, 2016, we celebrate the Day of Africa, we celebrate its resilience, the validity of those pro-independence ideas that forged the birth of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), now African Union (AU). e Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and our people are committed to the future of Africa.
As Venezuelans, we have roots in Africa that dene our national identity, and therefore this continent is no stranger to Latin America and the Caribbean. As President Hugo Chávez said " we will learn more, much more, by looking towards our brother continent, the mother Aica, than by directing our gaze towards the Western and capitalist universe ". No one can deny our kinship with Africa – already in 1817 our Liberator Simon Bolívar said " we are more an extension of Aica than of Europe. " Our relationship with Africa existed from the moment the forced migration of Africans to America began. is is why we say that the African continent is a very important component of our historical legacy. It is because of this that this May 25th, 2016 we remember the contribution of Africa to our independence. is month of May Venezuelans reindivicate the 221 anniversary of the libertarian insurrection of Africans, who, commanded by José Leonardo Chirino, attempted to do away with slavery. at insurrection, even though it failed, set a historical precedent for the independence of Venezuela in 1810-1811.
For this and other reasons, we say this continent is no stranger to Latin American and the Caribbean. On this day, as Venezuelans, we continue admiring those springs of wisdom that have become independent voices that oppose the submission and the dismantling of the African culture, which are intentions, ideas and projects sponsored from the west. On the 25th day of May, the Day of Africa, we remember omas Sankara when he said " a special solidarity brings together the continents of Asia, Aica and Latin America in the same struggle against the same political dealers and the same economic operators." We believe it is important to turn Africa and the South into instruments generating sovereignty and development in the social, economic, productive, environmental and political spheres. Today we recall the complimentary South-South that Nyerere so intensely longed for. Today we recall the anti-colonial hope of Lumumba, Nkrumah, and Nasser among others. It is necessary and urgent to continue recognising their spirit in forging African Unity. Today we see Africa with respect and admiration; we understand it as part of a frank and friendly process of dialogue that aims at complementing each other by creating the necessary linkages to allow dening and redening common purposes for the good of humanity.