Buried under the premier’s ‘peace’

21 assassinations yet still no proper mediation process for Glebelands Hostel

More people are being killed without the murderers being brought to justice. The peace promised residents by eThekwini Municipality and Provincial Government in KwaZulu Natal is nowhere to be seen. How long will these senseless killings last?

16 FEBRUARY 2015

Fikile Siyephu was shot dead at point blank range outside Block 49 at 5pm of Sunday, 15 February by a group of about ten heavily armed gunmen. Two friends who had been visiting him, made a lucky escape after being pursued by the group. The modus operandi has become depressingly familiar.

Fikile was an associate of the now disbanded block committee structures. His friends, also seemingly targets, were a former block committee chairman who had been illegally evicted from Block 56 last year, and a fellow committee associate. A vehicle allegedly driven by a politically aligned thug was witnessed at the scene shortly before the ‘hit’. A group of about ten men boarded the vehicle, which then drove off. A few minutes later, just as the deceased and his friends were leaving, the same group waylaid them at the entrance to Block 49’s passageway. It would appear they had been dropped off out of sight with the specific purpose of ambushing the three.

One of the gunmen reportedly shouted to Fikile, “What are you doing here?” Six of them apparently immediately opened fire on the three friends who fled back up the passage and hid upstairs. Fikile died in a hail of bullets. He appeared to have been shot in the head.

The attackers were identified to the police and statements provided. No one has been arrested. It has been suggested that the investigating officer assigned to the case is rumoured to have been implicated in the alleged torture of another Glebelands resident a few months ago.

A few days earlier Fikile had been witnessed in an argument with another police officer – also a Glebelands’ resident – who is apparently regularly seen in the company of the driver of the vehicle who reportedly dropped off the killers. Fikile who had been visiting his sister at the time, was allegedly threatened by this police officer, who allegedly asked Fikile, “Do you know what I am famous for?” When Fikile could not answer, the officer reportedly told him, “Go to the old blocks and ask them. I have seen you now.” It has been suggested that this meant that the deceased could be easily identified. Phumlani Ndlovu was killed outside one of the old blocks exactly a month ago.

Ubunye bama Hostela Nezakhiwo Zawo (UbHNZ) now asks…..is this the ‘peace’ the KZN Premier declared on 28 September 2014? We ask the eThekwini Municipality and Provincial Government, is this the successful solution we read about in the newspapers but have not yet seen on the Glebelands’ killing fields? How can ‘peace’ be ordered from the top down when meaningful negotiations had only just begun from the bottom up? We ask how can lasting ‘peace’ be achieved when dialogue is shut down and not all stakeholders are included?

Did the cameras installed at great cost to service delivery – but without consultation with the community regarding their most effective location in relation to trouble spots – identify those who broke into the community hall recently? Or the killers of Phumlani Ndlovu? Or Fikile Siyephu?

Other than destabilize hostel law and order, did the disbandment of the block committee structures end the killing? Twenty-one comrades are now dead, and we ask what has the ward councilor done to end the violence? Why have we yet to see a murderer convicted?

Fikile Siyephu was a poor man. His killing leaves a family in the rural Eastern Cape without the means to bury him, or even bring his body home. Our government failed Fikile. Our government has failed us all. When will our lives be worth more than the ballot paper they are written on, and the hit list they are crossed off?

Ubunye bama Hostela Nezakhiwo Zawo extends its sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Fikile Siyephu. We commit renewed energy to finding a peaceful solution at Glebelands Hostel and urge all stakeholders and local government to join us in seeking a meaningful resolution before yet more blood is spilt.

For more information and interviews please contact:

Mthembiseni Thusi: UbHNZ Deputy Chairperson / Spokesman: 0810218608 / 0738894385
Vusi Zweni: Ubunye bama Hostela Nezakhiwo Zawo Chairperson: 0710639686
Bongani Mthembu: UbHNZ Glebelands Representative Chairperson: 0732320030
Sibusiso Hluthwa: UbHNZ Member / former Glebelands Block Chairperson: 0827721643