Call for papers: Towards the 8th Pan African Congress

The 8th Pan African Congress has been rescheduled to March 2015. Writers, researchers, academics and everyone else interested are invited to send in articles covering a broad range of themes.

Since 1900, the seven Pan African Congresses have provided moments for new vision and collective action towards freedom, justice and unity. The 7th PAC was attended by a new generation of young leaders, where are they now? What leadership does Africa need now? With 65% of Africans under 35, is it time for a leadership change? What does Africa rising mean? How can Africa sustain the vision of its founding fathers and created a truly independent Africa of the future?

Join veteran and young Pan Africanist leaders in discussion of Pan Africanism and a vision for Africa’s future in March 2015 in Accra. Towards the 8th Congress in 2015, the Local Organising Committee of the 8th Pan African Congress based in Accra, Ghana, the host country, is inviting papers from all Africans on the continent and the Diaspora.

Some of the papers will be presented at the plenaries and working groups during the 8th Congress. The LOC also intends to publish these as part of post Congress for knowledge building.

Writers, researchers and contributors are invited to submit papers based on the themes listed below. Researchers and writers interested in presenting papers should note the following:

• Authors can choose to write one or two papers from the list below, or propose a topic of interests within the wider Pan African discourse.
• Papers can either be in French or English
• Papers will be subject to peer review
• Submissions should be presented in soft copy, double spaced and not more than 3,000 words.
• Papers should reflect the pan African nature of the Congress, its outcomes and the way forward for Africa.

These papers should be emailed to: [email][email protected]

Key Topics
1. The foundational roots of Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance and Contemporary dynamics of Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.

2. The Future of Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance over the next 50 years.

3. Science, Innovation and Technology.

4. Pan-Africanism, knowledge management and the role of African Think Tanks and the role of African intellectuals.

5. Transforming, integrating and governing the African economy (including natural resources):

6. Roles of the state, private sector and civil society in propelling Pan-Africanism and African.

7. Migration patterns, free movement of people and the African citizenship

8. Democracy, governance and peace and security as key pillars and enablers for the advancement of Pan-Africanism

9. Pan-Africanism and the role of the women movement: gender dialogue

10. Pan-Africanism and the role of the youth in Pan Africanism

11. Africa's relations with the rest of the World (East, West and South-South);

12. Challenges and Prospects for the revival and sustenance of the Pan Africanist Movement.

13. Governance, Democratic transitions and Popular participation in politics – including Elections and political parties

14. Leadership in Africa – traditional leaders, emerging leaders (youth), Women

15. Human rights and Human security

16. Role of the Diaspora in the development of Africa.

17. The reparations movement and the quest for justice.

18. The Media in post-colonial Africa

19. Using the social media for the change agenda in Africa

For more information about the Congress, registration and the concept note and a registration form, visit: