Magdi Saleim, a well known lawyer in Wad-Madani was arrested on Saturday the 8th of December. He was taken from his home at 1:00 AM by six members of the Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), who came with a pickup to arrest him.
Advocacy & Campaigns
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London 13.12.12: The STARS Foundation has selected The Shine Centre as this year’s recipient of the Africa-Middle East Rising Star Award, which includes $15,000 of unrestricted funding and tailored consultancy support.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South AfricaDecember 10, 2012
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500Dear President Obama,
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsDelegates include the Southern Africa heads of the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, the Secretary General of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa and a senior member of the Dutch Reformed Church. Some of the delegates are:
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South AfricaJohannesburg, 29 November 2012: Global civil society network, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation and Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour le Développement (RESOCIDE), Burkina Faso, denounce the crackdown on freedom of expression in Burkina Faso.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Burkina Faso- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns
Farm workers stand together: enough is enough!
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South Africa- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Uganda
Doha, Qatar, 28-11-2012: African civil society representatives attending the 18th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Doha, Qatar, coalescing under the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance set out their concerns and demands at the conference on Tuesday settin
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsOn Sunday the 18 November 120 people, mainly women, participated in the launch of the new Abahlali baseMjondolo(AbM) branch in KwaNdengezi. On Sunday the 25 November we launched another new AbM branch in the Uganda settlement in Isipingo.
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