‘For, not content with being a racial slanderer, one who did not hesitate to denigrate, in such uncompromisingly nihilistic terms, the ancestral fount of the black races - a belief which this ethnologist himself observed - Frobenius was also a notorious plunderer, one of a long line of Europe
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Eurocentrism, Racism and Knowledge: Debates on History and Power in Europe and the Americas, edited by Marta Araújo and Silvia Rodriguez Maeso, both from the prestigious Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, addresses key contemporary issues in the critique of Eurocentrism an
Abdi Ismail Samatar. Africa’s First Democrats: Somalia’s Aden A. Osman and Abdirizak H. Hussen. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2016. xiii + 287 pp. Maps. Notes. Index. Paper. £28.28.
“Footprints of Pan-Africanism” written and directed by the African American film maker, Shirikiana Gerima is dedicated to the late Kofi Awoonor who’s life was tragically taken during the Westgate shopping mall massacre on 21 September 2013 by Al-Shabaab terrorists in Nairobi, Kenya.
I know a man who used to brood all night
He lived in constant fright
I heard his cries; gifted but a broken man
His life—a constant fight!
Every morning he rose to a barrage of crises
Tagged under Arts & Books Spoken word art, Brainbox, Valentine Onyeka OgunakaResurrection serves a purpose of generating widespread attention for ideas propagated by the forgotten, and that seems to be what Adé Olufeko set out to achieve with his digital painting of one of Africa’s intellectual saviors, Cheikh Anta Diop.
Tagged under Arts & Books- Tagged under Arts & Books North America Syria, Aleppo, Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump
Greetings Brother Chronixx,
Tagged under Arts & Books Ethiopia"African art, like any great art, some would say, in any case more than any man transmitted to objects by man and his society.
Tagged under Arts & Books Europe Musée du Quai Branly, President ChiracIf I were to write an open letter to Muhammad Ali now, my tears would be the ink with which I write. It would be a letter of love and admiration. Of confusion and anger.
Tagged under Arts & Books North America Muhammad Ali, Boxing, Black Power
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