Given the devastating leadership vacuum in the ANC and government, who can provide alternative direction, when the ANC is in power but unable to govern effectively, and is unlikely to do so, unless it gets a new leadership as quickly as possible?
Democracy & Governance
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With the heightened frequency of astonishing disclosures of official graft, and its accompanying high-profile arrests, interrogations, detentions, recovery of looted funds, confiscation of property allegedly acquired fraudulently and prosecutions, no one is left in doubt that President Muhammadu
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceInstitutions of state bending to the will and wishes of the incumbent spark anger, frustration and eventual societal implosion.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceA peculiar feature of contemporary Namibia is that – for the past 26 years - not a single member of the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) has been awarded a medal of bravery for the battle of Cuito Cuanavale (December 1987-March 1988).
Tagged under Democracy & Governance3 November, 2016, Nairobi We, the civil society of Kenya, express our deep concern and consternation for the worrying escalation of mega-corruption scandals in Kenya in the recent past with little or no consequences for perpetrators, many of whom have been heavily mentioned in a
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceIn her 1969 book Death and Dying, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the Swiss psychiatrist, set out a five-stage emotional path to death, namely: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceThis week could well be remembered as South Africa’s most important political inflection point since the September 2008 ousting of sitting President Thabo Mbeki by his own party, the African National Congress (ANC).
Tagged under Democracy & Governance South Africa, Zuma“The regime of President Uhuru Kenyatta has allowed the most permissive environment for corruption in Kenya’s history…”, so screams the editorial section in Sunday’s edition of the New York Times.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Uhuru, Kenya[This keynote address was delivered on the occasion of the 2016 National Convention of the Anambra State Association (ASA-USA), Dallas, Texas, USA, October 21, 2016.]
Tagged under Democracy & Governance NigeriaIn 2008, in response to what were called the “xenophobic riots” in the townships, we argued that only complete reform of the economy can provide solutions to the despair and desperation of the majority Black population who have been living in horrific poverty.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance South Africa, Fees Must Fall
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