Dangerously broken
- Tagged under Democracy & Governance Kenya Kenya, élections, Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, IEBC, People Power
On 31 May 2016, the Nigerian writer and political activist, Chido Onumah, will present his latest book, We are all Biafrans- A Participant-Observer's Intervention in a Country Sleepwalking to Disaster, to the public.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria Nigeria, Biafra, Chido OnumahFrom May 11-13, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Africa summit in Kigali, Rwanda, reinforced extractive-industry and high-tech myths. The gathering unveiled the 1%’s elite’s exuberant imagination and its lack of exposure to the continent’s harsh economic realities.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceIt is tear gas season in Uganda again. The reported black-out of news coverage notwithstanding, some videos are in circulation. One shows a shopping arcade in central Kampala being evacuated by mainly young people with their arms raised in surrender.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Uganda Yoweri Museveni, Uganda, Uganda elections 2016“The monarchy is a luxury that Swazi’s cannot afford. It is like a blood-sucking parasite that has sucked its host dry”, says Swazi activist Bheki Dlamini.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Swaziland King Mswati, Swazilang, Bheki DlaminiBritish Prime Minister David Cameron described Nigeria as “fantastically corrupt.” Many Nigerians are reacting to this comment. Some believe the British politician said it either in bad or good faith. Assuming this labeling is even correct, one is tempted to ask to know the motive.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria corruption, Nigeria, David Cameron, ColonialismIntroduction
The young car-washers of the Mathare slums become acquainted with police brutality at an early age.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Human Rights, Kenya, Bunge la Mwananchi, Gacheke GachihiIt is my submission that presidents owe us good governance when they are in office and owe us another obligation when they retire - and that is to explain to the nation the reasons they made certain choices of crucial importance when they were in power.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Zambia Kenneth Kaunda, ZambiaThe Italian saying, Tutto il mondo è paese, (meaning people are the same the world over), came to mind recently, as I struggled to follow the analyses of the New York Democratic primary election of 2016.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance US elections 2016, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton
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