1. Introduction
- Tagged under Land & Environment
The People's Climate March on Saturday, April 29, 2017 flooded Washington, D.C., with over 100,000 protesters.
Tagged under Land & Environment President Trump, Climate Change(Derio, Basque Country, 20 July, 2017) - “It is amazing to see how linked our struggles are”. With a countenance showing enthusiasm and eagerness, Nicolette Cupido could not conceal her emotions. There are two main reasons for her excitement.
Saudi Arabia has been given two islands which have been under Egyptian control since the early 20th century.
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has endorsed the transfer of ownership of Tiran and Sanafir located on the southern edge of the Gulf of Aqaba.
So much has been written about the US pulling out of the Paris climate accord last week. For most of us, the move was just another circus act by the world’s clown; another moment of lunacy to mock and jeer. And then to move on.
Donald Trump’s renewed commitment to emitting unlimited greenhouse gases is the latest and most explicit attack on Africans, but amongst the G20 leaders (including South Africa) he represents continuities, not change.
“Trump is known to like walls. Maybe a wall of carbon tariffs around the US is a solution he will understand” — Jeremy Wates, Secretary General of the European Environmental Bureau.
Last week a police officer and a soldier were killed at a Banro Corporation-run mine in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The rehabilitation and restoration of the Nairobi River basin has been a topic of discussion for almost two decades. Work on this project started in earnest in 1999, with the launch of the first phase, which lasted for two years.
The report, Unjust Enrichment: How the IFC Profits from Land Grabbing in Africa, was released today by Inclusive Development International, Bank Information Center, Accountability Counsel, Urgewald and the Oakland Institute.
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