In the fifth installment of its Story of Cities series The Guardian recently focused on Benin City, the lost capital of an important preco
- Tagged under Pan-Africanism Canada and Africa, Benin City, Canada and African colonialism
I make no apologies for again acknowledging the tremendous debt I owe to West Indies cricket, which saved my social life in England in the summer of 1984.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Pan-Africanism, West Indies, CricketWith the last two months of primaries and caucuses in approximately twenty states, the role of African Americans is pivotal.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism African Americans, US elections 2016, Bernie Sanders, Hilary ClintonThis piece is indeed part of work in progress and is only presented here because of the recent interview of US President Barack Obama in The Atlantic magazine (Jeffery Goldberg, ‘The Obama Doctrine’, The Atlantic, April 2016 Issue).
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Biafra, Biafra war, African Americans, Genocide, Barack ObamaThe Programme Director,
Africa Institute of South Africa colleagues,
Distinguished guests,Tagged under Pan-Africanism South Africa UNISA, South AfricaPresident John Dramani Mahama in a State of the Nation address to mark Ghana’s 59th independence anniversary on 6th March 2016 made two important pronouncements with foreign relations implications.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Ghana, President John Dramani, VisaThe Justice for Walter Rodney Committee took President Granger at his word, when he announced on March 2, 2016 that the report would be laid before Cabinet, given to the political parties in the coalition government, tabled in parliament, delivered to the widow and family of Walter Rodney, and re
Tagged under Pan-Africanism OtherOn the evening of 5 March 2013 as I rested in my room at Le Ndiambour Hotel in Dakar, Senegal, after a long flight from Nairobi, Kenya, the previous day, I learnt about the terrible news of the departure of President Hugo Chávez.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South AmericaKarl Marx concludes his work on ‘theses on Feuerbach’ by stating that ‘the philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.’[1] He must have realized that ‘out of nothing, nothing comes’[2] and therefore, change is trans-generational.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South AfricaThe delays of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (WRCOI) in Guyana of February 2016, in not transparently bringing its report to the public about the Forbes Burnham PNC government’s rol
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South America
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