We grew up following you in our townships. We nicknamed you Sekuru 'Chimusoro', the one with the very big head. All our parents wanted us to be exactly like you. At the end of every school term, you would come home with a report card full of number ones.
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Professor Sam Moyo, director of the African Institute of Agrarian Studies, and
Tagged under ResourcesThe University of KwaZulu-Natal offers profound condolences to the family, loved ones and colleagues of Sam Moyo, a UKZN Centre for Civil Society (CCS) Honorary Professor who died in New Delhi, India early on Sunday.
Tagged under ResourcesABOUT THE ROLE
In July 2014, Ander Kompass, a senior official in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), received a report about the sexual abuse of children at a camp for those displaced by the brutal conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR).
Tagged under Resources1 November 2015
We, as concerned scholars of Zanzibar, write to express our dismay at recent events following the elections of 25 October 2015.
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Speaking to students on the 21 October, 1949, the then SRC [Students’ Representative Council"> President at the University of Fort Hare, the great Mangaliso Sobukwe, had this to say: “...We must fight for freedom. For the right to call our souls our own.
Tagged under ResourcesThere are four actions we are encouraging people to take which are supported by Angolan social justice activists in the UK and Angola. They are outlined below:
1. Signing the Kilombo online petition which can be found at:
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