The new Ethiopian parliament was officially opened on Monday, 5 October, 2015. The best depiction that can capture the essence of this new parliament is its paramount role in the consolidation of electoral authoritarianism in Ethiopia.
- Tagged under Governance Ethiopia
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has announced that it wants to launch news services to Ethiopia and Eritrea, most likely using these three indigenous languages: Amharic, Afaan Oromo and Tigrigna.
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaNAIROBI, 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 - Ethiopian authorities should immediately drop all charges and release a former World Bank translator and two other local activists charged under Ethiopia's repressive anti-terrorism law after trying to attend a worksho
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaWarning!
Do not read further if you can’t handle the truth about Barack Obama. “Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.”
“I speak my mind because it hurts to bite my tongue.”
Bite your tongue, Barack Obama!
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaIn his recent book ‘The Lion of Judah in the New World’, American political scientist Theodore M.
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaThus spoke Reeyot Alemu to the Voice of America- Amharic Service on July 9, 2015, a few hours after she was literally thrown out of the infamous Meles Zenawi Prison in Kality (Ethiopia’s “Robben Island”), on the outskirts of Addis Ababa:
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaLast week, a large trove of emails was released showing how the Italian surveillance firm Hacking Team sold surveillance technology to governments around the world.
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security EthiopiaTo no one’s surprise, Ethiopia’s ruling party, the Ethiopian People’s Ruling Democratic Front (EPRDF), swept the country’s recent national elections.
Tagged under Governance EthiopiaAccording to the National Election Board of Ethiopia, the result of last week’s national election is that the EPRDF (Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front) has achieved a complete victory by grabbing all the parliamentary seats.
Tagged under Governance Ethiopia
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