In his epic 1973 masterpiece, Two Thousand Seasons, Ghanian novelist Ayi Kwei Armah framed the whole of Black life as one of remembrance.
- Tagged under Arts & Books Ghana African ancestors
Tagged under Democracy & Governance GhanaWe want to welcome you to be an active participant in the second Kwame Nkrumah Pan African Intellectual and Cultural Festival to be held at the University of Ghana, June 25- July1 2017.
Tagged under Announcements GhanaWhen I was attending middle school at Kyebi, in the Eastern Region, my task each morning was to go to the River Birem, where I would bathe and bring some water home.
Tagged under Land & Environment Ghana Ghana, Galamsey, China in AfricaThis is the second and final part of an essay that we carried last week entitled, Pan-Africanism, women’s emancipation and the meaning of socialist development
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Ghana Kwame NkrumahI am no fan of the market economy, and I have been so for many years. However in the last few years, with more learning and understanding, I came to the conclusion that, while still no fan of the market economy, I don't have an ideological problem with the market.
Tagged under Economics Ghana Free Market Economy[Editor’s Note: Dr Motsoko Pheko deliverd this message of solidarity to the world-wide Pan African Convention held at Orlando, SOWETO, Azania 13 -15 June 2016.]
Today we are witnessing large-scale movement of people across borders. Political, economic and social instability within nation-states has reached a volatile level. Concern about tightening of borders, national security and increasing fear of the African “Other” are now commonplace.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Ghana Pan-Africanism, Colonialism, Post ColonialismFood Sovereignty Ghana calls on the Speaker to order publication of a report on the “consultations” that the Select-Committee on Constitutional, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs undertook, following his request for “further consultations” with stake-holders on the Plant Breeders’ Bill when it cam
Tagged under Food & Health Ghana Ghana, Food SovereigntyA few days after the overthrow of the Convention People’s Party government of Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s pioneer president, in a bloody coup d’état on February 24, 1966, our primary school teachers hurriedly organized a crash course on public demonstration for us.
Tagged under Governance Ghana
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