The contribution he has made to the world socialist movement, to the Third World liberation struggle and to social justice has been monumental – especially when one considers that he has been the leader of a tiny country with roughly the same population as New York City.
- Tagged under Global South South America Fidel Castro, Cuba
On 1 August 1838, enslaved Africans in the British Empire won their emancipation from slavery. Emancipation Day is now commemorated throughout the Anglophone Caribbean as a public holiday or national observance. Emancipation was not a gift from Britain or White abolitionists.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South America Emancipation Day, CaribbeanThe police are very brutal in their policing of the African working-class in Jamaica. However, oppressive conditions tend to give birth to resistance.
Tagged under Human Security South America Extrajudicial killings[These remarks were delivered at a forum on June 15, 2016 specially organized by the University of the West Indies to examine the theme, “The Assassination of Walter Rodney in Guyana: Reflections on the Commission of Inquiry Report.”]
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South America Walter Rodney, GuyanaFew revolutionaries are as well known as the late and great Ernesto "Che" Guevara. In fact, in what is the most ironic bastardization of his legacy, the communist leader’s iconic image is plastered on to T-shirts, posters and other mass-produced memorabilia and sold worldwide.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance South America Che Guevara, Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro“Dear Hildita, Aleidita, Camilo, Celia and Ernesto,
If you read this letter one day, it will mean that I am no longer alive. You will hardly remember me, and the smallest among you will have entirely forgotten me.
On May 12, Brazil’s democratic government, led by the Workers’ Party (PT), was the victim of a coup. What will the other BRICS countries (Russia, India, China, and South Africa) do?
Tagged under Emerging Powers South America BRICS, Imperialism, BrazilFranklyn Harvey was one of the most dynamic political philosophers and radical activists of the Caribbean New Left (1968-1983).
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South America Franklyn HarveySince its inception, the Bolivarian process was identified by Washington as an excrescence that must be quickly removed from the hemisphere. All means were tried but nothing worked: neither the coup, nor the oil strike, nor the diplomatic, political and media harassment paid off.
Tagged under Global South South America Venezuela, Bolivarian Revolution, Nicolas MaduroBefore leaving Montreal for Havana in March 2016 to cover the Obama trip, I wrote an article on Cuba–US relations. Referring to the cultural war to include, in the broad sense of the term, ideological and political aggression, I asked:
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South America Obama in Cuba, Raul Castro, Fidel Castro, Cuba
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