In every society there are political struggles. However, when there are large reserves of petroleum and other resources these political struggles take on added dimensions and become regionalised and internationalised.
- Tagged under Governance South Sudan
30 December 2013
Tagged under Human Security South SudanGeneva, Kampala, New York, Tuesday 24 December 2013
Tagged under Human Security South SudanThe Sudan Solidarity Network (SSN), extremely anxious and concerned by the on-going fighting and killings taking place in South Sudan, hereby expresses anxiety and sorrow over the loss of lives and displacement of innocent civilians.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South SudanAs the fighting continues in full swing in South Sudan, there is a growing amount of commentary that has been made and more is still in the making about the genesis of the problems and how best they can be resolved.
Tagged under Governance South SudanINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Human Security South SudanReports of violence in South Sudan are increasing dramatically, creating an ever-larger humanitarian crisis, one that already verges on the “catastrophic” according to several relief organizations on the ground.
Tagged under Governance South SudanTo say that the new state of South Sudan, a country with over 80 percent of its population illiterate and more than 50 percent living below the poverty-line, is facing huge challenges in kick-starting her economic development is no exaggeration.
Tagged under Resources South SudanDear President Kiir,
Tagged under Governance South SudanOn July 9, 2013, the Republic of South Sudan will celebrate its second anniversary. The jubilee that initially welcomed South Sudan into the community of nations has begun to fade and the reality of crises has gradually taken front stage.
Tagged under Governance South Sudan
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