Uganda: Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission Now
Follow the link for an open letter to The President of Uganda from the Uganda Peoples Congress in regards to extreme human rights abuses and the call for a Truth and Reconcilation Commission.
H. E. The President of Uganda
President's Office
Parliamentary Buildings
Parliamentary Avenue
Dear Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
1. On 12th May, 2006 you took oath to lead Uganda for
another 5 years after the widely disputed electoral process and after presiding over the affairs of Uganda for the last 20 years. By 2011 you will have been at the helm of Uganda for 25 years out of its forty nine (49) years as an independent country. In terms of time held in office you would have left a legacy of leading the nation for slightly more than half of its existence.
2. Your Excellency, your recent oath requires you to:
a. Uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
b. Observe the Laws of Uganda.
c. Promote the welfare of the people of Uganda.
3. It is this oath that should guide your conscience and set parameters for you if you want a befitting legacy as you embark on the next five difficult years of your chosen career.
4. As millions of Ugandans, its friends and yourself are aware, for the last 43 years, independent Uganda has failed to genuinely emerge as a peaceful and united country, in spite of some periods of relative peace and calm. The general tendency and misfortune, has been the misery of civil war, massacres, destruction of property,
torture, wanton human rights abuses and abrogation of the rule of law. For much of the four decades of independence, Ugandans have exchanged roles as victims of abuse and perpetrators of such abuse. Hate, anger, revenge, vengeance, acrimony, mistrust and suspicion have
characterized relations between individuals, communities and tribes. All this has bled dry any efforts to build a truly peaceful, prosperous and united Uganda where patriotism and love of one's fellow citizens reign.
5. The first period of this, our painful history of 24 years (1962-1986) was under a total of five Presidents (one of whom also served as Executive Prime Minister), three Presidential Commissioners and one head of a Military Commission (whom you deputized). The second
phase of this very painful history, now in its 21 st year, has seen Your Excellency as the uninterrupted ruler.
6. There were and still remain unexplained allegations of abuses and serious violations in the first phase (1962-1986). The crisis in Buganda between 1964 and 1966 and its aftermath needs clear scrutiny. Who were the perpetrators of the crisis, who were the real victims? These remain unexplained questions. The military coup of 1971 and the
resultant 8 years of carnage under a fully fledged military
dictatorship also requires that questions are asked and answered. Who masterminded and carried out the coup? Who were its beneficiaries and who were the victims of the coup and of the Amin's government? Who did what in this period? The politics, maneuvers and unexplained
massacres and murders during 1979-1980 period need further
investigation. Needless to mention, the ghosts of the Luwero Triangle still haunt us. Who started the civil war, how was recruitment done and how was the successful war prosecuted? Who killed hundreds of civil servants and local chiefs? On the part of UPC, we would like to
know how our leaders in the Luwero triangle were killed and their properties destroyed and by who? Who aided and abated this war behind the scenes?
7. The Luwero war led to and fed into the 1985 coup detats. For nearly a month after the July 1985 coup, hundreds of people in the Luwero triangle, Kampala, Mukono, Kamuli, Iganga, Jinja, Lira, Apac were massacred and their properties destroyed or looted. Who were the
real brains and hands behind the 1985 coup? Who were the victims and real perpetrators of the wanton violations and abuses? These and many other questions cry out for answers.
8. An attempt was made by the Justice Arthur Oder Human Rights Commission of Inquiry to inquire into the human rights violations allegedly committed between 1962 and 1986. However, the nature of the inquiry and the restrictive political circumstances under which it was
conducted militated against an impartial dispensation. Very many victims and witnesses kept away and very few perpetrators of abuses were willing to testify and confess their crimes and excesses in absence of a reconciliation framework. The abuses and excesses of this period need to be investigated afresh under the changed political
environment with an impartial truth and reconciliation process.
9. In the immediate aftermath of the January 1986 forceful take over of power by the NRA/NRM, hundreds of " anyanyas" were rounded up, tied kandoya and burnt to very painful death. Who were these " anyanya" and who orchestrated their massacre?
10. Other than the "anyanyas ", hundreds of other Ugandans
especially in Northern Uganda were summarily executed. Who perpetuated this genocide? What precipitated the massive exodus of Ugandans to exile in the aftermath of NRA's take over of power?
11. The murder of Dr. Andrew Lutakome Kayira, former leader of the Uganda Freedom Movement (UFM), has never been fully investigated, notwithstanding the involvement of the Scotland Yard. Was he the victim of a calculated political assassination or were his murderers mere loose criminals?
12. The origins of civil wars that have been waged in Acholi, Lango and Teso over the last 20 years, and which have resulted in genocide and gross human rights abuses have never been satisfactorily explained. What for instance, drove the generally peaceful people of Teso to take up arms against the NRA? Under what circumstances did the Uganda Peoples Democratic Movement/Army (UPDM/A), Alice Lakwena's Holy Spirit Movement (HSM) Uganda Patriotic Army (UPA) and the so called FOBA start? Who, in reality, constituted FOBA and who was behind the
management of that organization if it ever existed? What was the role of NRA in the genesis of rebellion in Northern and Eastern Uganda?
13. The story of the real perpetrators of genocide and mayhem and the victims of the 20 year old carnage have never been told. Some glaring questions include:
Who authored and authorized the scotched earth policy
pursuant to which homes, food grannaries, cattle and property were destroyed or looted? What was the intended outcome?
Who was responsible for the massacres at Mukura, Atiak,
Achol Pii, Buchuro, Pajimo, Namokora, Acholibur etc?.
How did cattle rustling become orchestrated to levels of
displacing and killing thousands of people?
Other than the LRA, who else has been responsible for the
killings, abductions, brutal maiming and all manner of human rights abuses in the vicious conflict?
Has the conflict been prolonged by war profiteers and if so who are they?
What was the effect of government freely availing dangerous weapons to Karamoja warriors? How did this become government policy and to serve what purpose?
Why did the NRM government reject the well intentioned
Parliamentary resolution to declare the Northern and Eastern parts of Uganda ravaged by war, a disaster area?
14. The activities of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) are also shrouded in mystery. Are they the real villains of the Buseruka and Kichwamba massacres or some other forces were involved?
15. Over the years hundreds of Muslims called Tabliqs were arrested, tried, acquitted and re-arrested. How many got a fair trial? The allegations of gross abuse of their rights to life and liberty and claims of torture need to be put to public scrutiny.
16. In March, 2000 a mysterious massacre occurred at Kanungu where thousands of hitherto unknown people died in a fire inferno in Joseph Kibwetere's church. How did this church operate all the years it purportedly did without state agents intervening. After this carnage,
government set up a commission of inquiry headed by Justice Augustine Kania to unravel the mystery of this massacre. Your Excellency, Uganda and indeed the whole world needs to know what became of this inquiry.
Who were the victims of this apparently organized massacre? And who planned and carried out this gross crime against humanity?
17. Your Excellency, thousands of Ugandans have lost their public sector jobs during your 20 -year reign while others have been employed. There are serious allegations regarding the manner in which the thousands were removed and others recruited. Those who lost jobs and, therefore, livelihood allege sectarianism and persecution. The
truth about employment in the public sector needs to be told. Thousands of retired public workers claim they have been denied hard earned pensions along political considerations. If so, why is this so?
18. In the areas of economic management there has been countless allegations of serious abuses, graft and victimization that has left in its trail thousands, possibly millions, of victims and a few winners. The country can only reconcile if the truth is told
How those who had wealth in 1986 lost it all & now wallow
in abject poverty and disillusionment.
How those who were in rags in 1986 have dramatically become millionaires, in dollar terms and the proud owners of prime properties in Uganda and abroad.
What became of the 30% conversion tax levied on everybody
at currency reform exercise in 1987?
Who has abused and profiteered from the privatization
process and award of contracts for the public procurements and who has been victimized?
Who have lost land, including ranches and private mailo
land, and under what circumstances and who have been the
beneficiaries of an allegedly unfair, arbitrary and sometimes brutal system of land re-allocation and accumulation?
Who have benefited in illegal tax exemptions and waivers
and who have been the victims of unfair tax collection and abuse?
19. Mr. President, the UPC, and we believe, millions of well intentioned Ugandans and their friends, are of the view that the matters we have pointed out above are at the very heart of the constitutional and political instability, as correctly pointed out in the preamble to the 1995 Constitution of this country. They need to
be thoroughly addressed as a matter of national urgency.
20. The only way of addressing these matters and in particular the very serious allegations of human rights abuse is to search for the truth and to reconcile the victims with their tormentors. No amount of suppression of bitter facts or wishful hope that time will heal the wounds will cure this country of the scars of bitterness and prevent future vengeance and conflict. It is the belief of UPC that there is need to give a framework where people can open their hearts and settle all the unanswered questions and issues and have a new start under the new dispensation of multiparty governance.
21. The UPC proposed in August 2005 that an impartial Truth and Reconciliation Commission be set up with the assistance of the Commonwealth and African Union. Our persistent renewal of these demands has not been heeded. The frequent pilgrimages to the Luwero triangle by you Mr. President, which has become an obsession, and the taking of foreign dignitaries on those pilgrimages to show case
the skulls of those who were painfully killed during the Luwero triangle war of rebellion, which you yourself started will not explain truthfully how the victims died and who infact is responsible for their death. Only a Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be able to ferret out the facts and lead to a healing process.
22. While still alive my late husband, Dr.Obote repeatedly made his views on Luwero known. He said you are responsible for the killings in Luwero and asserted his willingness and readiness to testify in the Courts of Laws with concrete evidences and supportive information that
would have proven him and UPC innocent of Luwero crimes. A former NRA Child soldier Ms China Keitetsi has also written how children were made to use hoes to hit and pound their victims to death in Luwero.
23. The NRA/UPDF Military invasions and adventures in Rwanda, Democratic of Republic of Congo and Sudan left millions of soldiers and civilians dead. The December 2005 ICJ ruling on the case of DRC vs Uganda found your government to be guilty of war crimes. Crimes against humanity and gross human rights abuses plus plunder of DRC
resources. Ugandan want to know how many of their sons and daughters perished across the borders. Who should be held accountable and responsible for the loss of lives and destruction of properties during the invasion of our neighbors?
24. Mr. President, UPC renews its demand to you to set up the Truth and Reconciliation commission to:
a. Receive evidence from victims of abuses and other witnesses,
b. Receive confessions from the perpetrators of abuses and violations.
c. Reconcile the victims and their tormentors.
d. Prosecute unrepentant violators of rights and freedoms
including those who have profiteered from decades of misery.
e. Compensate the victims where possible.
The commission should cover the period from 9/10/1962 to the date of its appointment.
25. As we pointed out earlier, your oath of office requires of you to obey the commands of the Constitution both in letter and spirit. The Constitution, according to its preamble, sought to put to an end to political and constitutional instability and the tyranny, oppression and exploitation and to usher in a new Uganda based on principals of unity, peace, equality, democracy, freedom, social justice and progress. These laudable principles continue to elude this beautiful country. The only befitting legacy you genuinely need is to have this country reconcile with itself. It is not too late for you
to start this process by appointing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Your failure to urgently act will not only exacerbate tension and conflict in Uganda but will attract very harsh judgment on you from history.
Miria Kalule Obote